The Common Human Goal

Our world does not consist of only those who are warmongers; there are also those who have a strong determination to create a peaceful world. 

The Common Human Goal
     Our world does not consist of only those who are warmongers; there are also those who have a strong determination to create a peaceful world.
create a peaceful world
     Some are working independently, but many have joined and formed organisations to discuss and exchange ideas on ways to promote world peace. These discussions, with peace as a common goal, have taken place numerous times among the world’s different organisations. Such organisations have invested great amounts of time, money and effort at meetings and conferences to promote love and unity between different nations. They have also awarded annual peace prizes to raise awareness as well as to acknowledge the efforts of those who continue to make world peace their life’s work. While we must admire and applaud the dedication of those who pursue peace, the truth is that real world peace has not yet been attained. Wars and battles continue to be waged without end.
     True world peace has not taken place because we have failed to tackle the cause at its deepest roots. We still do not understand what peace really is, where it can be found, and how to plant it and encourage it to flourish. Even though humankind comprise of people of different races, languages, religions, cultures and traditions, we have in common the long search for true happiness and the meaning of life, which are commendable aspirations. But what is peace and happiness, and from where do they originate?
     If we do not know the answer to these questions, how then can we attain peace and happiness? Since we do not know, we continue to pursue these aspirations based on our own wisdom and insights. However, if our wisdom is not fully developed, then our pursuit becomes random and unorganised, making achievement of that peace we are seeking haphazard at best. With such an imperfect understanding of our goals, we may as well seek water from rocks or fish in the desert. We have to realise that  while peace efforts such as international conferences among national leaders, award presentations and community projects can help to create a peaceful world partially, true world peace can only take place when everyone takes part by following the path to attaining inner peace.
inner peace
     Every single person who does so is a true hero deserving of the most honourable peace award. If we can get every leader of every nation to start practicing meditation so that they too may experience and understand inner peace, we can quickly change the course of  this world to a more peaceful one.




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